Latanya Alberto – Royal (Recall) (Official music video)

Muziekclip Latanya Alberto


Latanya Alberto is a young Amsterdam-based singer, songwriter and performing artist. Having had music in her life from an early age, Latanya began her professional career as independent artist at the age of 19. She released her debut EP Ruminate in 2018. This was her first signature of the unique soulful sounds, mellow vibes and poetic lyrics she creates, and continues to create in subsequent releases. Her second EP  ‘Cede’ came out in 2019 and fired of many new collaborations as people start to recognize her novice and headstrong sound. One of which is a new collaboration with her band that gives opportunity to do what she likes most; performing live on stage. Latanya likes to blend her musical stories with visual expressions to add to a total experience. Her extraordinary visuals covered by artistic photography, visual movement and music videos are a natural extension of her identity as a creative artist.

SOCIALS Instagram: @latanya.alberto Twitter: Latanya_alberto Website:
Directed by Robbert Doelwijt Jr.
MUSIC Produced by Rafael Devante Mix & master by Killing skills Contribution of: Yariv Vroom Gino Cochise Nathaniel Klumperbeek
PRODUCTION Director: Robbert Doelwijt Jr. Production: Vera de Bode Production company: Vigics 1st A.D.: Farah Abdi DOP.: Dionne Cats 1st A.C.: Vincent van Geijsel Steadicam: Mark Modder Gaffer: Tjeerd Melchers Best Person: Dwight Cooman Best person: Berend Keesman Production design: Rowan Siriram Production design ass.: Jonathan Doelwijt Art direction: Arindy Melati Art direction ass.: Joy van Geerestein Covid Manager: Demi Gomez BTS video/fotograaf: Lorenzo de Wit Production assistant: Josephine Kandeh
POST PRODUCTION Colorist: Wietse van Bezooijen Motion design: David Velt Editor: Robbert Doelwijt Jr. CAST Latanya Alberto Roy Morello Kaneza Roma Doelwijt Liam Romney Izairah Plet
STYLING/ MUAH Styling: Joaquim Vos & Aoife Keogh MUA: Magdalena Kielb Hairstylist: Golden Giraffe/ Yara Forster SPECIAL THANKS TO Tungsten studio Moncler Filling Pieces Daily Paper Charlotte Bakkenes Danielle Cathari Eileen van Vliet Ferry Schifflers Nubikk Tess van Zalinge Elena Corolina Robin Food Doru Loboka Jilles Floor

In deze clip

In deze muziekclip kan je onder andere de Amstrad NC100 Notepad zien. Dit is een A4-formaat, draagbare Z80-gebaseerde computer, die in 1992 door Amstrad werd uitgebracht. Het bevatte 64 KB RAM. En als je goed kijkt zie je ook de Philips PM3209 Oscilloscope voorbijkomen.

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